2013: A Roller Coaster Ride


2013 for me was like a roller coaster ride. Things that normally occur once in a lifetime and things that would have an emotional impact on anybody found their way into my life.

First in line was chicken pox. It’s horrible to get it at this age, and it feels unfair just because I got it from my workplace. Well, like the saying goes, better late than never; since it’s worse to get I when I’m even older.

Most part of the year I was busy with work. To the extent I didn’t have enough time for myself. Aside from sleeping, any free time I had was spent with people; people I love and care about of course. So somewhere mid year I signed up for hot yoga. Even though I got some of my colleagues/friends to sign up too, I went on my own for most classes, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Someone asked why, to me that one hour of yoga was for me to focus on just my own being, and nothing else.

In September a family member passed away. A figure that I do not know very well, a figure that I do not have much to remember by. My grandfather’s passing brought the family together again. It gave some of us a proper chance to iron things out, at the same time revealed the selfish character within some.
I don’t know much about him. Language barrier kept us apart when I was younger, old age and his failing memory made it difficult to have a normal conversation with him when I got older. On the few occasions that I saw him each year he will ask about my studies. Daddy said grandfather liked people who are good in their studies, because grandfather had never been schooled, so that’s something to be proud of to him. During last few years of his life, I don’t remember seeing much of him, he was tired most of the time. I want to believe that his passing was a release for him. Especially so because he suffered pain from an injury that he shouldn’t have had to go through if not for negligence on the caretaker’s part. I had never imagined I would feel so saddened by his parting, it served as a reminder to cherish the ones around me more.

During my travel to Macau. I did bungee jumping; throwing myself off a tower at a height of 61 storeys. The dive that took only seconds to reach the tower’s base consumed so much courage for the initial leap. There are people who asked why I did it. Just because I wanted to. To quench my curiosity of how it felt like diving down. To prove that I dare. Must there be a reason? Life’s short. Do while you still can.

I hope this year will be spectacular.

Chicken Pox Nightmare

For most people, chicken pox probably starts from fever, in my case it began with a few blisters that didn’t itch nor hurt. I never had blisters like that before so I went to see a doctor but he says it’s not chicken pox and that I can continue with my activities. Hah~ He was so wrong. That night more blisters appeared on my face and body and another doctor confirmed that it’s chicken pox.

Day 1

More blisters popped up on my face, chest, back, and scalp.

The food to avoid is a super long list:

No seafood (they make you itch more)

No chicken

No beans

No diary products

No acidic food (not to agitate the insides of your body as it’s gonna be sore too)

No cucumbers (beats me)

No eggs ( as it causes bad breath? Old wives’ tale, to be taken with a pinch of salt)

What you should do:

Keep clean, otherwise it’s no wonder you will itch. (why would anyone advise not to bathe?)

A colleague recommended Manuka honey. You can either eat it or apply it. Supposed to help fight the virus. Personally i find eating it more satisfying.

Use vitamin E oil. I couldn’t get my hands on one so I bought a cream version instead.

Day 2

I had pretty high but on-and-off fever. Highest record was 39.6 degrees I hope my brain cells didn’t die because of that. Following an old wives tale my mum forbade me to take panadol, instead she gave me cooling herbal tea.Fever still running. More blisters appeared everywhere especially on my back and face and chest.

Day 3

Still fighting with my fever. More spots appeared still. even on hands and legs.

Day 4

Fever has finally subsided. I can think straight and not feel so tired already.

It’s now day 9 from the onset of my chicken pox. Most of the earlier spots have formed scabs and fallen off. I can tell that for those blisters on my face that has burst will form dented scars. Sobs~

There’s obvious redness. I do hope I can cover them up with makeup on Thursday when I return to work. I’ll diligently apply vitamin E cream and keep my fingers crossed.

It’s day 13 now. The scabs on my face have all fallen off. I think they fall off faster cos I wash my face more than I do for the rest of my body.
Avoid the sun because scars may darken under UV rays.

Mid twenties

Haven’t blogged for quite sometime now. Starting my blog afresh. I didn’t delete all my older posts of course, I have them stored somewhere else.

Mid twenties. One quarter of my life has been spent studying, playing, basically pretty much nothing big. Seriously, it’s time to think of what I want for my life.
